Saturday, August 31, 2019

Disaster Preparedness

Managing disaster response is one of the most challenging aspects of the National Response System (NRS). The effectiveness of coordination between national, state, and local teams at the scene of the incident is a key to the successful response on disasters and other calamities (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2009). According to the ‘Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Handbook’, it is the job of the local government, to inform the Regional Emergency Operations Center about events or disasters that take place in their respective areas.In this case, the Incident Commander carries out the responsibility (OES, 2004). This paper will briefly discuss the key functions in disaster preparedness and implementations. The review of literature will be the method in relating the analysis to the overall topical discussions. Literature review The Incident Command System (ICS) is the main tool used in the management of emergency response incidents.For the local responders, who are usually the first to respond on the scene of the event, it is important that they understand the standards and concepts of the ICS. During times of disaster, the Incident Commander (IC) becomes the On-Scene Coordinator (OSC). Based on the Related OSHA Standards, the IC is tasked with assessing the situation or schedules a briefing with the past Incident Commander.Likewise, the IC then meets with the command staff and section chiefs (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2009). Based on the procedures after meeting with the members of the disaster response team, the Incident Commander then determines all hazardous materials or circumstances and address them appropriately using site analysis, engineering controls, maximum exposure restrictions, guidelines on handling hazardous substances, and using new technologies (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2009).It is the job of the Incident Commander to make sure that they trim down the number of emergency res ponse staff, particularly in the areas where they will be exposed to site hazards. There should be a safety officer, who has the knowledge of operating procedures. When the designated safety officer deems that there is imminent danger, they can suspend or put an end to emergency activities (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2009).In summary, it is the job of the Incident Commander to ensure safety first before anything else in any disaster or emergency situations. Before implementing any plan of action, the IC or On-Site Coordinator should see to it that the citizens should be out of danger or evacuated from the site. Likewise, the Incident Commander should ensure the safety of their team. They should always see to it that the plan of action is always in accordance with the standards set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Data analysisFor better control and management of disasters, it is essential that each member of the Emergency Response Team should be well-prepared and properly trained. According to the OSHA, understanding and familiarity with the Incident Command System is the key to successful implementation of an emergency response. Planning for an incident should be done in advance of the event. This way, each member of the team can identify their roles and responsibilities during a certain emergency situation. Effective planning also includes conducting regular drills and practices.Aside from that, the emergency response personnel should also have an idea of which agencies they need to coordinate with in times of disaster. Findings and conclusion Disaster preparedness can be more effective and efficient if members of emergency response team are adequately trained and familiar with the Internal Command System. There must be coordination between the national, state, and local emergency teams. In conclusion, the performance of the disaster management systems relies on systematic coordination of emergency response team s from one level to another. Disaster preparedness During disasters such as an earthquake, storm, floods or a terrorist attack, response coordination is usually overwhelmed. Such scenarios demand comprehensive disaster preparedness planning if rescue and recovery efforts are to be effectively executed. The first phase of a disaster preparedness plan entails mitigation. This is a pre-disaster management approach that mainly deals with the scale of a potential disaster and its projected effects. It encompasses all measures that can be put in place to minimize all the negative aspects of the disaster.If property implemented, the mitigation part of a disaster preparedness plan helps allay the direct and indirect effects of the hazard. (Dheri, 2009) The next step in preparing the plan addresses the post-disaster management phase. This starts with the establishment of an incident command system. This is followed by the identification of qualified personnel or volunteers who will be responsible for various aspects of disaster response. They should be assigned functions such as incident command, finance, operations, logistics, operations, information and planning as well as any other roles necessary during a disaster.The operations personnel should be qualified in critical disaster response aspects like site security, fire fighting, search and rescue, and first aid administration. A file with the names, titles, designations as well as home and cell phone numbers of all the identified personnel should be retained at a central location to enable their quick accessibility in times of emergency. Another major element in disaster preparedness is ensuring vital response items such as portable radios, fire extinguishers, flashlights, emergency first aid supplies are easily accessible and in proper working condition.Most of these requirements can be internally met. (Volunteer Center Serving Howard County, 2003) Outside the organization, factors that need to be considered include identifying the nearest health clinic, police st ation and fire station as well as places where things like emergency generators could be obtained in case of a protracted power blackout during a disaster. Sources of additional water and food should also be identified. It is also advisable to estimate the number of people who could be affected by diverse forms of disasters.Contacts of a local leading disaster management organization such as the Red Cross are vital in case mass shelter or its management training is necessary. When planning for disasters that might require evacuation, factors such as the number of people who might need evacuation, the evacuation site and the means of transport to the site should be considered. If a disaster is expected to be hard-hitting, the organization should put in place short-term measures to help those affected recover from the effects.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Does Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (Pbis)?

Does Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS) affect Student Growth? July, 2012 Executive Summary In this paper, I will investigate the correlation of Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS) and the effects on students’ academic growth. Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a systemic approach to proactive, school-wide behavior based on a Response to Intervention (RtI) model. (Wisconsin PBIS Network) I believe PBIS will have a positive effect on students’ academic growth.The federal government strongly recommends that schools adopt Response to Intervention (RTI) as part of their general and special education programs (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). Most RTI models are a three-tier support system with two spheres, one academic and one behavioral (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) has been used to describe school-wide and statewide efforts to implement and monitor comprehensive initiatives in our school s to decrease problem behaviors (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).For the purpose of this paper, SWPBIS, PBS and PBIS refer to School-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support. Overview of Program As a component of Response to Intervention (RtI), PBS provides the tools that are essential for stabilizing and improving a student’s behavior, self-esteem, and relationship in general education classes as well as inclusive settings (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).As a system within RtI, PBS shifts the burden on the teacher from competency to â€Å"manage† the class and â€Å"control† the students’ disruptive behavior to identifying causes of inappropriate behavior, encouraging positive behaviors and monitoring interventions (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). By implementing PBIS, the teacher has a unique and important role in each students schooling. PBS is based on understanding why problem behaviors occur and it gives educators and parents a new way to think about behavior s.It is the application of evidence-based strategies and systems to assist schools to increase academic performance, increase safety, decrease problem behavior and establish positive school culture (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). RTI is a â€Å"three-tier composite of academic and behavioral spheres that, in fact, interact with one another, rather than being parallel but isolated (Buffum, Mattos & Weber, 2010). † The RtI is a three tier composite of academic and behavioral spheres, these reflect and reinforce one another (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).This model is based on and understanding that academic performance is a form of student behavior. These two spheres are interdependent and inseparable and the program needs to evaluate all aspects of a child’s performance in school including curriculum works and social interactions (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). It is scientifically and nationally recognized as the most effective approach to integrating both spheres of a childâ⠂¬â„¢s life (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). In reviewing these three spheres, PBS is an effective intervention in each of the three tiers.In the behavior sphere, it is often a greater challenge to identify goals and interventions because they are less well known and tested (Clonin, McDougal, Clark and Davison, 2007). One of the greatest advances of RtI over traditional student evaluation processes is its reliance on proactive identification of students who may be at risk and the use of early interventions that might prevent this. There are few reliable screening processes (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).RTI is about establishing a school-wide system for allocating instructional resources where they are needed. This initiative gives all students (Tier 1) access to the regular curriculum and provides differentiated instruction and support. It requires high quality differentiated instruction based on insights into student thinking and keeping track of students’ progress. General educat ion teachers can use the CHAMPs (Conversation-Help-Activity-Movement-Participation-Success) model by Randy Sprick (2009) as one of the effective approaches to PBS for a Tier 1 student.It allows teachers to design a proactive and positive approach to classroom management that has been proven successful for large numbers of struggling students in a clear, teacher and student friendly system of five prosocial behaviors (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). This model assists the teacher in identifying the behaviors they want to see and teach what these behaviors look like in the classroom by giving students specific behaviors to practice and expectations and reminders are reinforced (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).Students who are struggling and need more targeted interventions will receive increasingly intense intervention matched to their need at Tier 2. These services and interventions are usually provided in small group settings in addition to their instruction in the general curriculum. If beh aviors still need to be reinforced, there are other Tier 2 interventions like peer mentoring, group counseling, being assigned an adult role model to work with (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).One of the significant impacts that RTI and PBS have is the systematic collection of data on each child’s response to the interventions as well as support from teachers, parents and guidance counselors who can report on the effect of interventions inside and outside the school environment (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). Some students may need a more intensive individualized intervention that targets the students’ skill deficits in Tier 3. There would be a reanalysis of all the data from Tier 1 and 2, looking particularly for potential causes or interventions that had been overlooked (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).The team may decide to complete a functional behavior assessment (FBA) that will collect extensive data to identify, the antecedents that may have caused negative behavior, review of the behavior itself and the consequences of the behavior (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012). This would then lead the team to create a professionally developed behavior intervention plan (BIP), which would recommend specific interventions based on the data collected from the FBA (Burton & Kappenberg, 2012).Students who do not achieve the desired level of progress in response to these targeted interventions are then referred for a comprehensive evaluation by the Committee on Special Education. Analysis In reviewing the current literature, there were several studies that determined the key elements of SWPBIS that make it successful. In addition, the following studies conducted have reviewed the correlation between SWPBIS and student achievement. All eight studies found a positive relationship between the implementation of SWPBIS programs and improved student behavior.A positive correlation between the use of SWPBIS programs and improved student achievement was found in research by Hong, L eBurn, Pavlovich, and Yeung. Hong (2011) investigated the effectiveness the effectiveness of SWPBIS on statewide standardized tests using a longitudinal study over a three year period at both elementary and middle school levels in Minnesota. Preliminary data analysis based on elementary schools indicates there was statistical significant relationship between SW-PBIS program and schools’ accountability.Another study conducted by Pavlovich (2008) examined the relationship between PBIS strategies and school-wide discipline problems as well as the difference in educator’s perceptions of the school climate and academic achievement. Results indicated a significant increase in third grade reading scores between the years of PBIS implementation and one year following PBIS implementation. In addition, LeBurn (2008) looked at the â€Å"Effects of Large Scale Implementation of School Wide Positive Behavior Support on Student Discipline and Academic Achievement (SW-PBIS). The stu dy began in 2002 and went on for 3 consecutive years, with 124 public and private schools from K-12 in New Hampshire across four cohorts that participated. Implementation was associated with academics gains in math whereas the reading remained neutral. Finally, Yeung (2009) examined the effects of The Positive Behavior for Learning (PBL) initiative (adopted from the PBIS model in the USA) in Australia to improve learning outcomes for students. The results of the study show that PBL made some significant contributions in determining long term benefits for students.These preliminary findings suggest that the school-wide PBL system has the potential to make a difference in learning outcomes. One of the most significant aspects of PBIS that educators need to understand is that behavior and academics are a major part of a child’s life in school. You can not only concentrate on one aspect and ignore the other. I believe PBIS will improve student success in school because more time will be dedicated to teaching rather than managing misbehavior. The program will also improve the school climate for students and teachers.Through PBIS, there will be an enduring, positive change in behavior, reduction in suspensions as well as increase in graduation rates. I think there are still years of work and development in PBIS, but I believe this is a significant paradigm shift in education where educators are collaborating and assuring that all children learn by analyzing their academic work as well as their behaviors. Decision Matrix Key Characteristics| Weight %| Fidelity of the PBIS Program| 25%| Increase in referrals to Special Education| 20%|Increase in Suspension and behavior issues| 30%| Teacher/Student Buy In| 10%| Cost Effectiveness| 15%| Total| 100%| Key CharacteristicsOptions weight| Fidelity| Referrals| Suspension| Teacher/Student Buy In| Cost| Total:| | 25%| 20%| 30%| 10%| 15%| 100%| 1. PBIS| raw| 10| 8| 8| 7| 7| | | wt. | 300| 160| 160| 105| 105| 830| 2. Rippl e Effects| raw| 5| 5| 5| 4| 5| | | wt. | 150| 100| 100| 60| 75| 485| 3. Leaps| raw| 3| 5| 4| 5| 7| | | wt. | 90| 100| 80| 75| 105| 450| References: Benner, G. , Nelson, J. , Ron, J. Sanders, E. , Ralston, N. (2012). Behavior intervention for students with externalizing behavior problems: primary-level standard protocol. Exceptional Children, 78 ( 2). Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com. arktos. nyit. edu/education/docview/916923328/137DC178FA97D350E74/1? accountid=12917 Buffum, A. , Mattos, M. , & Weber, C. (2008) Pyramid response to intervention: RtI, professional learning communities, and how to respond when kids don’t learn. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree. Burton, D. & Kappenberg, J. 2012). The complete guide to RTI: an implementation toolkit. California, Corwin Clonin, S. M. , McDougal, J. L. , Clark, K. , & Davison, S. (2007). Use of office discipline referrals in school wide decision making: A practical example. Psycology in the schools, 44(1), 19-27. Hong, S. , Ryoo, J. (2011). Investigating the effectiveness of SW-PBIS on school’s accountability at both elementary and middle schools: Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Retrieved from http://www. eric. ed. gov/PDFS/ED528760. pdf.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Nature and Main Areas of Financial Management Essay

Introduction: Financial management is basically makes plans, organize, direct and control the financial activities in an organization. Applying general management principle to financial resources of the organization is part of financial management activity. Financial management is concern with the efficient and effective management of the financial resources of the organization. Nature and Main areas of financial management: Financial management is broadly concerned with the mobilization and development of funds by a business organization. To run the operations of company efficiently, it is important to raise and handle the funds effectively. Financial management performs this job. Financial management works on the following areas: 1.Finding financial necessities: – A financial manager must know financial necessities of the company. He should find out financial needs of the company. Financial manager must focus on available funds which are needed to meet promotional expenses, fixed and working capital needs. The necessity of non-current assets is related to types of company. Working capital needs mainly depends on the range of business operation. If the range or scale of business operation is large then the requirement of working capital will be high. If the financial manager makes wrong assessment about financial necessities, it may cause huge damage to the company. 2.Selecting the sources of funds:- Financial management works on how to raise funds from various sources for the company. Various sources may be available for raising funds. To issue of share capital and debentures proper steps should be taken. Financial management should ask various financial institutions to provide long-term funds. Equity capital necessities may be met by getting cash credit or overdraft facilities from commercial banks. A financial manager should be very cautious in approaching different sources to raise funds. Financial management should analyze the sources before raising funds. 3.Managing working capital:- Working capital indicates to that part of company’s capital which is needed for financing short-term or current assets such as cash, receivables and inventories. Maintaining these assets to a proper level is very essential for the organization. Finance manager is required to determine the amount of such assets. 4.Financial analysis and interpretation:- One of the most important tasks of financial management is analyzing & interpretation of financial statements. Financial management expected to focus on the short term and long-term financial position of the company. Profitability, liquidity position of the company should also be monitored by financial management. Financial manager can do this by calculating a number of ratios. Making interpretation of various ratios is also essential to draw certain outcome. Financial analysis and interpretation has become an important area of financial management in modern days. 5.Cost-volume profit analysis:- Cost volume profit is also popularly known as CVP relationship. Cost volume profit analysis is a very important area of financial management. Fixed costs, variable and semi variable cost analysis is crucial for CVP or Cost-volume profit calculation. Fixed costs are more or less constant for varying sales volumes. Variable costs depend on the sales volume. Semi-variable costs can be fixed or variable in the short-term. The financial manager has to make sure that the income of the firm will cover its variable costs, for there is no meaning in being in business, if the expected amount of income is not accomplished. A company must have to earn a sufficient income to cover its fixed costs as well. Finding the break-even point is one of the major responsibilities of financial management. 6.Dividend policy:- Dividend is provided by company to the shareholders for making investment in the shares of the company. The investors mainly interested in earning the maximum return on their investments. On the other hand management wants to retain the profits for making reinvestment in future projects and opportunities. These contradictory purposes will have to be adjusted in the interests of investors and the company. The interest of shareholders and the necessities of the company are related with the dividend policy, so that’s why dividend policy is an important area of financial management. 7.Capital budgeting:- To make investment decision in capital expenditure the concept of Capital budgeting is essential. Capital expenditure is an expense the benefits of which are expected to be achieved over a period of time exceeding one year. Capital expenditure is for acquiring or improving the fixed assets. The benefits from capital expenditure are expected to be received over a number of years in future. Capital budgeting decisions are very important for any organization. Any bad or unplanned investment decision may become harmful for the company. Capital budgeting is a very important area of financial management.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The United States on the World Stage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The United States on the World Stage - Essay Example Successful as these programs were for America during its time, one cannot help but wonder as to whether things would have turned out for the better or worst for America if these programs had not been successfully implemented. Let's start with a look at the era of â€Å"Reaganomics† and what America might have been like had it not been implemented at all. Reaganomics was based on the program of governance that balance the national budget and created savings for the country by implementing 4 basic steps: â€Å"(1) Cut tax rates to restore incentives for economic growth , (2) Spending reductions , (3), Anti-inflation monetary policy restraining money supply growth compared to demand, to maintain a stronger, more stable dollar value. (4) Deregulation, which saved consumers an estimated $100 billion per year in lower prices. â€Å" (Ferrera,2011) The system worked in the 80's for the American population and the budget cuts resulted in a surplus of treasury savings which the Clint on administration inherited. It prevented the downward spiral of the economy and allowed the treasury time to recover and earn the taxes needed to cover the national debts (â€Å"The Second American Revolution: Reaganomics†). ... Life became harder for everyone under Reaganomics while before it was implemented, life was alright for most American families. There are those who believe that if Reaganomics had not been implemented, the United States would have gone one of two ways, died economically due to the cost of inflation and the eventual inability of the United States to pay its debts or, continued on its â€Å"life is still affordable† trend that the typical American family was experiencing. Maybe the time of single income families sending their kids off to affordable colleges and universities would still be norm these days instead of student loans and a generation of high school graduates who can't afford college. That is if the taxes were continuing to become higher in rates would eventually stop rising and increasing the costs of basic goods. So maybe, just maybe, the country is somehow better off than if Reaganomics did not exist. Otherwise, the public would not know that there is another way o f cutting the debt and balancing the national budget than the constantly increasing government revenue collections that the Obama administration strongly advocates. Then we have the â€Å"End of the Cold War† to consider. The end of the cold war marked a sort of unification in Europe that allowed tensions between the democratic and socialist European countries to find a platform of peace and camaraderie with one another (Mearshimer, 1990). However, it would seem that the unification of Europe under the Euro, which would not have happened had the cold war not ended, has resulted in more problems for the united European economy that expected. Pres. Ronald Reagan is viewed by the Americans as the man who brought peace to Europe and ended the cold war.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Introduction to the internet and e-business Assignment

Introduction to the internet and e-business - Assignment Example The transaction is completed when commission is divided between both estate agents because of being part of a transaction. Answer 2 Home Choice will benefit from having its own website because those customers, who could not travel and approach Home Choice at its offices, will directly log onto its website and submit their buying or selling bid. For instance, all parties and clients could be informed about available property units in different localities through automatic email generation process; thereby enhancing communication and business contacts with customers. Also, Home Choice will get a competitive edge because it could reduce by closing some money losing offices in expensive London city. Answer 3 An e-business is a business model that enables the organisations, end-users and governments to do business through leveraging technology and using the Internet and features of World Wide Web (the Web) to complete transactions (Roberts, 2004). Answer 4 Internet enables businesses and consumers in real time interaction and communication through email, videoconferencing, teleconferencing, chat etc. Indeed, these mentioned options are quite appropriate for transferring messages across the internet, thereby enabling communication at a very low cost. For instance, the use of Skype has further facilitated this message transfer from sender to recipient and feedback from recipient to sender. Answer 5 The main features of Hyper Text Markup Language include facilitation in multimedia objects, scripting, background colour, marquee, tags, style sheets, hyperlinks, tables and layout, forms and math etc. In other words, latest versions of HTML also include the new features that are still not completely explored. Answer 6 An internet is a network of networks through which end-users could connect to external world networks and people. Internet has, nevertheless, reduced boundaries among nations as people across USA could contact through a click to users 7,000 miles away in sub- continent. On the contrary, Intranet is an internal network that is used by organisations / institutions to enables its employees to transfer and share information within the premises. Whereas, extranet are also used by organisations to bridge gaps between / among their internal and external customers. For example, employees could share a company’s some (not all) internal information through extranet with their clients, suppliers, partners etc. Answer 7 First of all, Home Choice has to develop / design a website so that it could provide available buying and selling property units. Next, Home Choice has to implement an online purchase / sales system in which the admin will play the role of moderator. This would enable parties to communicate when they could approach company’s office for official visit to property unit and negotiations. Offers could also be submitted online in case face-to-face deal is not possible due to distance and time constraints. Answer 8 E-business is actually a different business model because it provides the luxury of online transactions without even travelling personally to shops, offices and showrooms. The model is proven successful when a company has established its brands and when it offers top quality brands at justified prices with excellent sales service. Circuit City, a US based supermarket which is now completely online based, is one of the major examples. However, the model does not proven successful if

The economic impact of Atlantic City closing casinos Annotated Bibliography

The economic impact of Atlantic City closing casinos - Annotated Bibliography Example hallenges facing Atlantic City are in the way in which market shifts in the future could directly impact upon the overall success that could be achieved by the firms seeking to operate within this particular region. This article was included in the researcher due to the fact that it helps to exemplify the way in which the entire economy of Atlantic City, and by extension, the entire economy of the state of New Jersey, is at least partially dependent upon the revenues she from casinos and gambling. As this particular industry has begun to falter, the impact upon other sectors of the economy has been commensurately felt. Furthermore, rather than providing justification for the underlying reasons for why the Atlantic City gambling scene has experienced such a loss of the past several years, the authors instead seek to focus the majority of their attention upon the way in which a new economic base could be achieved for Atlantic City; and whether or not such a shift would be able to be accomplished in a relatively brief period of time. Moreover, the authors focus upon seeking to engage the overall economic impact that has been felt within Atlantic City has a direct result of the loss of revenue. Whereas a great degree of analysis has been placed upon potential solutions to the economic hardships facing Atlantic City, relatively little focus has been placed upon how the situation actually unfolded. As such, this particular article is essentially useful due to the fact that it focuses upon the factors that allowed Atlantic City to falter from its position of preeminent gambling location on the East Coast. Likewise, the author indicates the fact that even though the economic downturn was a primary catalyst to the way in which Atlantic City began to lose revenue and market share, it was ultimately the result of the fact that Atlantic City was unresponsive to the demands of the consumer. Without a primary and fundamental level of focus upon the demands of the consumer

Monday, August 26, 2019

Week11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week11 - Essay Example The government has to develop constituents within its establishments that have been in charge of state-owned companies. These branches eventually outlive their usefulness thus a disadvantage to the government because then it would have to do away with them. This means many people will lose their jobs thus blame the government for its shortsightedness (The Economist Debate). The limitation to state capitalism is that it can only be productive in certain industries as chosen by the government while the rest remain out. However, this depends on the degree of management as well as the level of interference by the state in the operational matters of the industries involved. All in all, the success or failure of state capitalism depends on the state and countries should know their status before indulging themselves or else the economy would be disastrous. In this case, the private sector would suffer a lot as its fundamental liberties would undergo regression. A country such as China is undergoing fast, economic growth thanks to state capitalism. However, its exposure to fluctuations in the purchasing power of other economies makes it unstable and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human resource mgt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human resource mgt - Essay Example In a research paper (Geary, 1992) was critical of these assumptions. He found that management's reliance on temporary employees gave rise to a number of contradictions and tensions, and in the end was considered to be disadvantageous. A major advantage of flexible human resource practices is the low cost of labor as cited by (Smith, 1998) in his article. In his study he concluded that a larger proportion of foreign-owned companies had lower labor costs as a result of the greater use of flexible work practices. The application of the most flexible work life balance policy not only increases the loyalty of employee but also increase the fame of the company as best places for employment. (Dex and Scheibl, 2001) Mostly women do not find it compatible to work in the technical field due to their care taking duty towards their family in this way a huge amount of talent is drop out of the talent pool. Due to the flexible environment by the firm a broader recruitment pool can be made available. (Center for Ethical Business Cultures, 1997; Evans, 2001) With providing the employees with the facilities of flexible working hours the firm can also get the benefit by offering increased service hours for the customers. Since in this age of competition and increased customer pressure in order to achieve a cutting edge in the business it is important for a firm to provide 24/7 service (Evans, 2001; Human Resources Development Canada, 2002). The provisions of service for longer hour's will not only improve the corporate image but will provide the firm with increased market share (Dex and Scheibl, 1999; Center for Ethical Business Cultures, 1997; Evans, 2001). With undertaking the flexible work practices there are also some areas which should be addressed by the management in order to effectively undertake human resource practices. Studies of some of the best United States and Australian organizations (Gray, 1992) also suggest that the cement which binds skilled and motivated employees to their organization, who are thus more enthusiastic, more committed and potentially more productive than their competitors' employees, is clear and ongoing communication between organization managers and their employees. The management of the SFL should also take the advantage of the communication process in order achieve the higher level of performance from the employees. A modern and a more permanent approach to motivation are through job enrichment (Wright, 2004). This involves putting meaning into jobs. In other words, it is putting Herzberg's two-factor theory into effect by building motivators into the job. These motivators include achievement, growth, responsibility, advancement and recognition. This approach can also work for SFL staff. According to the approach the organization should plan to change the job contents of the employees in order to motivate them as explained by Ross (1998) in his article A practical

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Identification of Clostridium difficle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Identification of Clostridium difficle - Essay Example 3-4). Diarrhoea cases associated with C. difficle have been increasing in the contemporary world. In addition, increased resistance has been identified. It is also a major cause of hospital-based infection. Specifically, this infection affects the inner linings of the colon and produces toxins, which can lead to serious inflammation as well as diarrhoea. During the 2000s, this infection used to be treated using antibiotic fluoroquinolone to which the infection developed resistance. In the developed nations, C. difficle is a key cause of infectious diarrhoea. It is mostly spread in poor healthcare settings. The infection has not only become more prevalent in today’s world but also gotten harder to treat. Bearing in mind that the infection emerged several decades ago, many diagnostic methods have been developed since the earliest times of its discovery. Some of these methods are effective while others have been ignored due to inconsistencies. This diagnosis incorporates a wide history of recent antibiotic therapy, diarrhoea development, or any other indication of acute colitis (Planche & Wilcox, 2011, p. 3). In addition, the diagnosis is also based on the demonstration of an infection by toxigenic C. difficle. This is usually done through the detection of toxin A or B within stool samples. Pathogenesis leads to the production of toxin while the toxin strains are responsible for the production of toxin A, also known as enterotoxin or toxin B, cytotoxin. The diagnostic methods can be divided into several subsections that include laboratory methods, antigen detection methods, and nucleic acid amplification methods (McFarland, 2011, p. 431-432). The laboratory methods include culture Aga r media, enriching pores, CCN test, and selective media. The antigen detection methods, on the other hand, include GDH Assays while the nucleic acid amplification methods include PCR Assays and LAMP Assays. Although there may be many diagnostic

Friday, August 23, 2019

NURSING (MANAGING A VENOUS LEG ULCER) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NURSING (MANAGING A VENOUS LEG ULCER) - Essay Example Between 2004 and 2010, the management of venous leg ulcerations cost the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) an estimated  £400 million per year, most of which was spent on community nursing services (Milic, Bogdanovic & Jovanovic 2010, p. 797). Basing on the budget, the disease calls for evidence-based practice (EBP) in its management and this paper will discuss the effectiveness of compression systems for preventing its recurrence and treatment using three sources of evidence. This article was chosen because the Cochrane Collaboration is a reputable body in the field of organization of systematic medical researches that facilitate proven and evidence-based medical and nursing practice. The cost effectiveness of stockings and bandaging in compression treatment of venous leg ulcers has been covered by a Cochrane review basing on randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with definitive results. Medical literature in the regularly updated Cochrane database opines that most cases of venous leg ulcers are brought about by the improper functioning of the venous valves, although other known contributing factors include obesity, diabetes, immobility, arterial disease and trauma. There is also evidence that persons wearing high-compression hosiery are less likely to have ulcer recurrences than those wearing moderate-compression ones. Venous ulcers can be prevented by using compression stockings on long-term alongside regular exercising, elevating legs when possible and losing weight (Gohel, Barwell & Taylor 2007, p. 83). Venous leg ulcers usually recur after healing and this can be prevented by regularly wearing compression stockings for at least five years after healing. Following the systematic reviews and meta-analyses conducted on 22 trials identified in the Cochrane review, it was consistently shown that the healing of venous leg ulcers is encouraged by compression. It was

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Principles of Personal Development Essay Example for Free

Principles of Personal Development Essay Standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out. Codes of Practice set out the criteria against which providers are assessed by. They also describe the standards of conduct and practice with which workers must carry out their activities and ensure that what they do is competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants’ ‘ï ¬ tness to practice’ is determined. For a care worker to work in a certain profession, they have to register with their particular Professional Council and then work to the Codes of Practice which they deem ï ¬ t. Not following their Code of Practice could result in them being taken of the register and no longer allowed to work in that role. Reflecting on work activities is an important way to develop own knowledge and skills. Reflection on your own practice is important because it allows you to assess what you are doing well, identify areas where you might like or maybe need more training or guidance in to ensure you are performing to the best you can, and are meeting all standards and expectations within the elderly house policies and procedures. Reflecting on your practice can enhance and improve your confidence and self esteem because you can look at what you are doing well, the things you have learnt and achieved and feel good about yourself especially if you have done something with ease that you used to find difficult, if you have done something you never did well in or something that you have never tried before. This then gives you confidence to continue working well and to aim to try other new things or to use what new skills or knowledge you have gained in your practices. During the activity you improve you learning by asking you supervisor/senior. You learn from others people strategies. Find ways to reflect your self in your activity. Reflection, which is learning through experience, is not a new concept. As humans, we naturally reflect on our surroundings and experiences. It is a learning tool that will help us improve our skill and develop our knowledge and practice. Also it is important to find your strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop and improve on them, so you can make your weakness your strengths. Reflecting on your self is a complex activity that requires the individual to develop a set of skills. When you reflect you stand back and think of a situation or problem, gain a new perspective of something, make sense of our experiences and construct meaning and knowledge that directs actions in practice. Use evidence to help decide on decisions. Ways to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work. The best way to ensure that personal attitudes or beliefs don’t obstruct the quality of work is to be dedicated to excellence. Personal attitudes can be changed through education. That is an important way. It helps to develop a good work ethic. How learning activities can develop knowledge, skills and understanding. How a learning activity has improved own knowledge, skills and understanding. The more you think and plan, the better you can do. Think things all the way through to a successful conclusion. Improving improved own knowledge, skills and understanding by reflecting on a situation I dont have a situation that I really want to share, but I spend a great deal of time reflecting on life from various perspectives from the logical/intellectual to the mystical/muse. The two quotes below are on a list that I keep in my desk. They remind me why I must make time, even if it appears Im doing something else, to reflect. * â€Å"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!† ― Dr. Seuss * â€Å"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.† ― Albert Einstein Feedback from others has developed own knowledge, skills and understanding The example is comments, critics, suggestions. If someone know what to do to this feedback, that person already know what to do next. That was a development by feedback How a personal development plan can contribute to own learning and development Definition of personal development plan Personal development planning (PDP) is the process of creating an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement. Who can be involved in the PDP process Typically, each employees line manager should be responsible for the individual employees PDP. * Managers may need appropriate training to ensure they can manage PDPs effectively. Developing these skills can be built into the managers own PDP. * The most senior employees and those whose performance has the most impact on the performance of the business may benefit from an external mentor Sources of support for own learning and development There are many sources of support that you can access and many different ways that you can help yourself, when developing your practice. The appraisal or supervision system in your workplace can be a good starting point. This will help you to identify areas of your practice that need to be developed, and to plan to use opportunities for training and development. Some employers provide appraisal at six-monthly or 12-monthly intervals, but supervision should be at least once a month. This gives you a good opportunity to use the experience and knowledge of your supervisor to help you plan how to move forward in your practice. Benefits of using PDP to identify ongoing improvements in own knowledge and understanding Some advantages of taking a personal development approach to your work are: Gaining a clearer focus to your learning. Helping to keep yourself motivated. A better understanding of how you learn and how to improve your performance. More enjoyment and less stress from your learning as you become consciously skilled. More awareness of how to apply your learning to new problems and contexts.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Conditional Cash Transfer Essay Example for Free

Conditional Cash Transfer Essay New York City’s Center for Economic opportunity led the United States in launching Opportunity New York City as an experimental and privately funded program to help families in six of the city’s highest-poverty communities break the cycle of intergenerational poverty (Riccio, 2010) . The ONYC study aimed to test the impact of the cash transfers on the health of the family, education of the children, and the outcomes of the adults’ workforce in the household. Also, this program was based on the pioneering conditional cash transfer program of Mexico named Oportunidades. In addition, the ONYC conditional cash transfer program greatly benefitted the lower- and middle-income countries. However, being the first comprehensive Conditional Cash Transfer Program in a developed country, the Family Rewards of the ONYC has been the main focus of other countries. The program is also coordinated by Seedco which is a private and nonprofit intermediary organization along with six other community based organizations. It was evaluated by the MDRC, which helped in the designing of the initiative through randomized control trial. Included in the program are financial rewards that are given to participants who were able to meet the conditions set by the coordinators. Some of the conditions were meeting goal for the children’s attendance in school, levels of achievements on the children’s standardized tests, maintaining of health insurance coverage and obtaining age-appropriate preventive medical and dental check-ups of the family, sustaining full-time jobs and completing approved education or job training activities. The conditions of the program were focused on education, health-related, and work-related aspects of the community. The ONYC: Family Rewards chose to test different values of rewards ranging from $20 to $600 to observe which incentives are applicable in the context of the United States. With its wide range of activities, the program also taught the participants many ways to earn money and avoided the distribution of extremely large amounts of money to any one activity or outcome. Few adjustments were made in the program to be able to make it simpler and cost-efficient. After a few years of implementing the program, reports of findings from the evaluation of the first two years of the experimental program were released. In totality, the results stated that the Family Rewards substantially decreased poverty and material hardship and have different effects of health-related, education, and work-related outcomes. Riccio, James. (2010). Policybrief: Sharing Lessons from the First Conditional Cash Transfer Program in the United States. Retrieved from http://www. npc. umich. edu/publications/policy_briefs/brief22/policybrief22. pdf Jamaica The conditional cash transfer (CCT) programme in the country of Jamaica was managed by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and was named as Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education or PATH. Similar to other CCT programmes, the PATH has certain conditions that the participating families should conform with to be able to be benefitted by the cash transfers. The main objective of the PATH is to promote the development of the human capital of the members of the programme. The two important components of PATH are child assistance grants and social assistance grants. The former gives health and education benefits for poor but deserving students through age 17. The benefits include visitation to a health clinic once or twice per year and attendance in school. On the other hand, the social assistance grants give regular health benefits to poor adults and senior citizens. The benefits include regular clinic visits for pregnant women, sick, and penniless elderly. The average monthly benefit of each individual participating in the program was about US$6. 50 that helps conceptualize what the programme aimed to accomplish (Levy, D. Ohls, J. , 2010). The candidates for the programme must have detailed demographic and socio-economic information to be passed to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security or MLSS parish office to know if the household’s score is eligible to participate in the programme. The analysis of the implementation of the programme was based on site visits which were conducted in two rounds during the evaluation. During each visit, one-on-one interviews with MLSS parish offices, schools, healthcare centers, and post offices were done and the participants also provided detailed information about eligibility determination process, education and health requirement enforcement mechanisms, bene? adequacy, and the process of bene? t disbursement (Wedderburn et al. , 2004, 2005). Based on the results released, the MLSS was successful in implementing PATH and shareholders knew that the programme was able to accomplish its basic goals. The results also showed that most of the participants had pleasing transactions with the program but many improvements can still be made.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Limitations Of High Rise Buildings Environmental Sciences Essay

The Limitations Of High Rise Buildings Environmental Sciences Essay The purpose of this report is to illustrate the limitations faced when planning, designing or constructing a high-rise Building. This report will explore the background of high-rise buildings, including their origins and technological advancements. It will bring to light any technical aspects pertaining to the limitation of high-rise buildings, such as materials and available technology. This report will also inform the reader of any professional involvement of both engineering and non-engineering careers, as well as bringing to light any social, cultural or heritage issues such as Indigenous participation. Furthermore this report will demonstrate any Ethical or Economical issues which may have an impact on the planning, designing or construction of a high-rise Building. Lastly it will discuss where High-rise Buildings may take us in the future and give insight to changes that may occur due to High-rise Buildings. Report Introduction Since man first started building high-rises, there has always been a limit on how high we can build them. As the years go on and as technology improves the limits to high-rise buildings height has been constantly broken and higher buildings have been made, BUT limits still exist. It is important to know why we have limits to building high-rise buildings and it is just as important knowing just what some of these limits are. Therefore research has been conducted and compiled and a report has been put together. This report is about the limits to building high-rise buildings the report will outline: The involvement of both engineering and non-engineering professionals Social/cross cultural/indigenous issues Ethical issues Economic issues These are the 4 topics that will be discussed in the report, along with a brief background of the limits and some technical aspects of topics. The report will also make sum conclusions as to what is believed to where the limits may lead us in the future or high-rise buildings. Unfortunately the report will not be covering many other issues to limits in high rise buildings as there are many, many reasons limiting high rise buildings. 1.0 Background to High-Rise Limitations Abstract The construction of high-rise buildings has been and always will be greatly limited. The provision of this section of the report is to provide the background information on why construction was so limited. Several major limits that were broken will be discussed. Also discussed will be the inventions and/or processes which were used to break them. Introduction There are many factors that limit man from building great structures however many of these limits have already being broken and will continue to be surpassed. Throughout history man has built some great structures like The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Two Towers of Bologna. The Pyramid of Giza built in the 26th century BC was formally known as the tallest structure in the world. Standing 146m above ground its height was not exceeded for thousands of years. Although these great structures existed for thousands of years, tall buildings that were continuously habitable did not exist until the late 1800s. After the late 1800s buildings that blew the minds of men began to appear. These buildings include; Empire State Building of New York, The Q1 on the gold coast, and now the tallest building in the world, The Khalifa Tower of Dubai which stands 828m above ground. Significant Changes to Highrise Buildings The worlds first iron framed building was the Oriel Chambers in Liverpool built in 1864; it was only five stories high as elevators had not yet been invented yet [4]. This was a reason why construction was so limited before the mid 1800s. It seemed that the higher the office building the cheaper it was to rent because it was impractical for inhabitants to walk a great number of stairs. The first building to include an elevator was the Equity Assurance Building of New York built in 1870. Once the elevator was implemented, suddenly the top stories were more valuable than the lower stories. And now you can get higher rents on the top stories because they are quieter, there is better light, and they are away from the noise and dirt of the street [1]. The invention and inclusion of the elevator in construction greatly influenced the skylines of every major city in the world. Vertical architecture would be impossible, first of all, without the elevator, the great equalizer of civilization, which . . . by excessively rapid express service, makes the twentieth floor scarcely more difficult to access than the third. . . . Without [the elevator] its chief merit [of the tall building] would be gone; without it its upper stories would be as inaccessible as a mountaintop. [2] Skelton and Conventional Construction Methods Even though the elevator now eliminated the hassle of stairs and allowed for growth of buildings the height of buildings was still limited because of the method of construction used. In ordinary methods of building, the higher the wall the thicker it must be at its lower parts, a hefty area of a valuable lot in the tight inner-city must be surrendered to enormously thick walls [3]. Architect William Le Baron Jenney was the first to use a load-bearing structural frame which supported the entire weight of the walls. This was the beginning of the Steel Skeleton Construction method of building. This development led to the construction of the first skyscraper being ten stories high. The Home Insurance Building in Chicago, built in 1885. Even though the building stood tall many people were scared and didnt believe in the idea at all. Four years later an architect named Bradford Gilbert believed in the idea and designed the Tower Building in New York using the skeleton method. There were al ready buildings which were taller than the tower building however they were not built on block of land which seemed greatly inadequate. With the construction of the tower building Bradford Gilbert convinced people and architects in New York that this method of construction was feasible. The Skeleton method of construction solved the problem of economizing space in the lower floors of high and narrow buildings and was used all over the world. As land diminishes in the inner-city the tend is to build upwards. Lack of land in the inner city is great factor which limits the construction of high rise buildings. The skeleton method of construction helped solve this problem to a certain extent however with todays knowledge and understanding the lack of land in the inner-city will always limit the height of construction. Construction There are still many limits which man has not yet surpassed, however as seen from this section of the report some inventions came along which completely changed the standard of construction. With the invention of the elevator the corporate world was turned on its head as tall buildings were now accessible and now the higher you go the more expensive it is, where as it used to be the opposite. The higher you went the cheaper it was. The skeleton method of construction revolutionised the construction world. It allowed for buildings to grow hundreds of metres in the air while using minimal area on the ground. 2.0 Technical Aspects Pertaining to the Limitations of High Rise Buildings 2.1 Introduction High rise mega structures have forever plagued the thoughts of mankind, from the beginning of the technological age we have marvelled at our own achievements forever striving to build bigger, better and higher in an effort to reach for the stars. Tall buildings in modern society bestow many great attributes however as we continue to construct a more cumbersome empire of mega structures we will face many new technical obstacles to overcome. 2.2 Possible Risks Many technical factors influence our ability to build greater structures. Environmental and human disasters such as; earthquakes, fires, hurricanes and terrorism supply great difficulty while scientific breakthroughs in materials, mechanics and methodology prove to be either impractical, ineffective or unachievable at this time [4]. External forces are a major concern we must face when designing our high rises. One of the most important concerns to consider when designing high rises is their ability to withstand lateral forces imposed by things like strong winds, hurricanes and earthquakes [5]. 2.3 Strengths and Technologies The strength of modern materials surprisingly is not a major factor in the development of high rise buildings. Steel is strong enough to support structures 10 km or taller while advanced composites can support structures much greater again. Certain mechanical implementations such as massive suspended tuned pendulum dampers can be utilised in tall buildings to counteract the environmental rigors of high wind and impending earthquakes [6]. High rises are not only a distinguishing symbol of prestige but they also prove to be excellent at accommodating a large mass of people in a relatively small area. In commercial terms this allows businesses to maintain close proximity with the central district of inner cities while reducing pressure on already densely populated urban localities [7]. 2.4 Threat of Terrorism As iconic and essential as these high rise structures may be, sometimes they can become the target of terrorism. One of the most historical events of this manner occurred on September 11th 2001 When the World Trade Centres in the United States were demolished after airliners were hijacked and sent on suicide missions killing over 3000 people [8]. 2.5 Conclusion To overcome these problems various technical innovations such as; security cameras, vehicle detection equipment and computer identification checks can be utilised as well as organic, inorganic and metal x-ray detection systems. While technical defence and prevention systems such as these do help to prevent terrorism, modern security systems are still limited by current technologies. 3.0 The Involvement of both Engineering and Non-Engineering professions 3.1 Introduction As this project will effect many individuals in the aspect of employment and work it is vitally important to specify who will be effected and how. Although a big project such as a high-rise building will provide a large scale of jobs, there is always the risk that the construction/finished project could permanently damage someone elses business. As a result careful planning must be taken to ensure minimal harm is done to private business. 3.2 Engineering/Tradesmen Professions High-rise buildings are great opportunities for steady work for hundreds of professions. Some of these professions include engineers, builders, architects and various tradesmen jobs. As the specific project looks to challenge the limited heights of high-rise buildings it can be assumed that it would provide a great deal of jobs throughout the construction and development. As this is a field of work which has been hit reasonably hard by the recent global economic crisis, this project would be greatly beneficial to the workers and contractors involved. 3.3 Non-Engineering Professions Small business has an important role in local and regional economies, and collectively they contribute to the Australian economy. Many small businesses exist in inner city networks, which are areas prone to expansion and development, such as high-rise buildings. Many depend on easy access from roads as the primary means to transport goods and services and to link to other small businesses. Small businesses need to know about construction in the area which could impact on their profession [9]. Before construction takes place it is the responsibility of the engineering company to ensure a community liaison contacts and notifies the surrounding businesses of the high-rise plans. It is also then the community liaisons task to answer any concerns or queries, as a result of development, regarding the businesses viability. These could include; loss of revenue, loss of customers, loss of/or restricted access for customers, disruptions to the delivery of goods and services, noise, visual and air pollution and lastly the potential for increased crime due to loss of visibility. It is vitally important to gain the support of private businesses, so any contact must be carefully planned first. 3.4 Construction and Development During construction there is always the possibility of complaints regarding noise levels, obstruction and inconvenience. To ensure these matters are dealt with appropriately, engineering/construction firms provide adequate signage around the worksite referring the public as to whom to contact. Companies are also required to display signage before construction takes place, to allow time for any complaints or queries to be dealt with. By taking these steps engineering/construction companies can not be held accountable for any future complaints. 3.5 Conclusion The construction of large high-rise buildings can have impacts on both engineering and non engineering professions. It is vital to take precautions, before initiating construction, to notify any and all non-engineering professions effected of the possible changes which will be taking place. For this reason liaisons must be employed to establish an effective working communication and to answer any concerns private business could have. 4.0 Social/ Cultural/ Indigenous Issues 4.1 Introduction In every instance of construction it is vitally important to thoroughly cover the issue of public and cultural negotiations and communications. Careful precautions must be taken from the very start of planning the project, to ensure that everyones opinion is heard and concern answered. Both governmental and private corporations employ teams of people to guarantee that community engagement is correctly achieved. 4.2 Cultural Heritage Overview A primary concern is that of cultural heritage, specifically towards indigenous peoples. Under that heritage protection act, engineering firms must take care that they do not damage or disturb any landscape that could be considered of indigenous importance. Indigenous Australians make up for about 2.7 percent of the population (77.4% aboriginal and 22.6% Torres Strait islanders) [10]. Land and sea are very important to their cultures and connectivity to country is central to peoples lives. Legislation requires companies to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders on indigenous cultural heritage matters. When engaging with indigenous Australians, it is important to plan a communiquà © before addressing the community. Past experiences with public officials has left many indigenous communities with a sense of frustration and powerlessness. As a result certain communities may not want be supportive and or cooperate with the company. The main steps in planning and engagement activity are imperative. Theses steps include, researching and knowing about the community, understanding its history and acknowledging their diversity and connection to land and sea. 4.3 Construction and Development During the development and construction stage of the high-rise it is essential to make certain that no elements of indigenous importance are damaged. This is achieved by taking several precautionary measures. As Indigenous peoples have a right to oversee the project, a monitor, whose primary concern is recognizing and evaluating artifacts of importance must be hired. Indigenous Monitors have the authority to postpone and hold up projects for extended periods of time, until the landscape can be deemed safe to build on [11]. Another measure which must be taken under the Heritage Protection Act is notifying the Contractor that he or she shall be responsible for the management of indigenous cultural heritage artifacts while construction is underway. It is also the Contractors duties to ensure that all staff related to the project has attended a Cultural Heritage Induction Course. 4.4 Social/Community Issues As well as being considerate to Indigenous peoples it is equally important to be considerate towards the general public. Before Building a High-Rise building it is the companies responsibility to notify the public that construction is going to be underway. This can be achieved using tools such as; flyers, TV advertisements, letterbox drop/direct mail and or website information. After the public has been properly alerted, they have the option to notify their city council about any concerns or complaints that they might have regarding the project. 4.5 Conclusion Before commencing any construction project it is vital to deliver all necessary information to the key stakeholders and if possible gather their support. Adequate planning and preparation must be done before the project initiates and planning must be relevant to the community which is to be engaged. Care must also be taken to guarantee not to damage or violate any potential places of importance regarding indigenous Australians, during construction. 5.0 Ethical Limitations to High-Rise Buildings 5.1 Introduction With todays population only ever increasing the trend is to build upward. Throughout the planning and construction stages of high-rise buildings there are many limitations that affect the end products in which we see today. One of these limitations is the ethical issues involving high-rise building which revolve around the safety, the environment and the community. These issues must be carefully thought about and investigated before the building can begin. 5.2 Community A limiting factor in the production of high-rises can often be the community. When plans go into council, the community also gets a say. Allowing the community to get a say in what goes ahead and what doesnt can bring about large restrictions to high-rise buildings. Some issues that limit high-rise buildings, due to the community may include the use of the building and the look of the building. These two issues can become entwined in a communities decision making process, where depending on the ethical view point expressed by the community as a whole, these viewpoints include, Kantianism, Utilitarianism, human rights, environmental ethical. A community might take a utilitarianism point of view when approving a high-rise if the building does not fit the council guidelines although brings about beneficial use to the community. Some council departments have put in place restrictions on buildings to stop them being built past a certain height in order to keep a community in a certain man ner. As stated in the Byron Environmental Planning and Assessment act 1979, Byron Local Environment plan 1988, [12] The council must not consent to the erection of any building if the floor of the topmost floor level of the building exceeds 7.5 metres above the existing ground level, or, the vertical distance between the topmost part of the building and the existing ground level below exceeds 11.5 metres. This shows that Council departments have 5.3 Environmental Issues When considering high-rise buildings the effects that the high-rise would have on the environment must be thoroughly investigated, as it would have limitations as to how high the building can go. The waste produced by the building as a day to day product will impact greatly on the environment. The higher the building is generally means the more people it can accommodate for, although with the number of people that would use the building rising, so does the waste they produce. With things such as rubbish and sewage it is important that there is adequate systems in place, where the building is going to be located that are able to deal with these issues. Such as that the sewers will be able to accommodate for the amount of sewage that is produced. Due to the amount of people that would use a high-rise building there is a lot of energy needed to keep the building running. This impacts on the environment as with the creation of energy comes the creation of green house gasses and the waste produced in making the energy. With the trend to build upward increasing, there are various strategies being invented and put into action to accommodate for the need for energy, these strategies are to limit the amount of environmental impact a building would have, there for allowing buildings to be built higher and higher. Studies have shown that through using energy conserving measures on a 20 story building can cut its energy consumption down to less than half its original usage. The issue with using these measures is that they often require some investment throughout the building stages, as materials can often cost more and take longer install, although in the long run would save owners and occupants of the building a lot of money. Taking a Utilitarianism view on this would allow the energy conserving measures to be put in place throughout construction, knowing that it would cost more but work out better in the end (end justifies the means). Where as Kantianism ethical views wo uld possibly not put them in place as it would cost more throughout the building stages (means justifies the end). Plans are currently underway for extreme energy conservation measures in high-rise buildings, with a revolving tower planned to be built in Dubai see fig 5.31. This tower, powered by wind turbines, can not only generate enough energy to power itself but can also generate enough energy to power 10 other buildings similarly sized [13]. With such engineering advancements, in the future limits to high-rises caused by environmental ethical issues will be decreased. Although Personal ethical views often clash with environmental views, such as Energy generating high-rises versus wildlife reserve. Fig 5.31 A computer generated image of the towers ability to physically move 5.4 Congestion Issues One of the issues limiting high-rise buildings is congestion caused by the building. Most high-rises are planned to be built in already congested areas so whilst they are being built issues of space can impact on the construction of the building. As various cranes and machinery is necessary to construct them there must be adequate space to cater for such things. It is important that through the construction of high-rises that the effect on the public is kept to a minimum. Congestion can also be an issue once the building has been built such that various amounts of people may be trying to access the building, bringing in large amounts of traffic on the street. When the building is being designed it is necessary to make sure that building has adequate parking options to make sure it can accommodate for the influx of traffic that it would bring. There are also congestion problems with the amount of people that are around the building on a daily basis, footpaths and public transport must be able to accommodate for the influx of people on the already existing foot traffic. These issues must be accommodated for before the building is built and can often cause high-rises to be limited to how high they go, in certain areas. 5.5 Safety Issues Safety can limit high-rise buildings throughout both the construction stages and once again when the building has been built. The safety of workers is highly important when building such large building and can also limit the height of the building. If something cannot be done safely then it should not be done. All workers have the right to refuse a job if they think its unsafe, this comes under the basic human rights ethic. When working with heights the risk level rises immensely, and all aspects need to be looked at to ensure the safety of both the works and the public around the construction site. Safety is a big concern in high rise building, when they are being designed they need to be designed to withstand various natural disasters, such as earthquakes, storms and floods. It is necessary to design a building to withstand or minimally destruct through these disasters. Even if doing so means that they are limited to how high they can stand. Because it is impossible to make high-ri se buildings invincible, through the design process buildings are designed to keep their destruction to a minimal in the event of a disaster, this takes a Utilitarianism view, where actions are to be judged right or wrong solely on the virtue of their consequences, it would be better for a building get damaged in a disaster with human injury kept to a minimum. In 1978 shortly after construction the structural engineer behind the Citicorp building discovered a fatal floor in its design, realising that the building was vastly unsafe [14]. Whilst reviewing the design of the building in order to design one similar. This fatal floor was that the original butt weld designs used for the joints on the wind bracing system were replaced with a bolt design due to economic reason. After reviewing the forces that the joints were designed to withstand it was evident that they were only deigned to withstand a 16 year storm, whereas it was an understanding that the building was able to withstand a 50 year storm. William Le Messurier, of Cambridge, Mass., was lauded for his ethical conduct, as he proceeded to notify the architect, his client and the building owner that a remedial scheme must be undertaken immediately before the risk of high winds in the fall hurricane season in New York City. A solution was found and the building was brought up to scratch. See figure 5.51, it is evident that if this issue was not dealt with then if the building came down then it would have caused massive death and destruction. This shows good ethical decision making and a utilitarianism point of view. Safety often limits high-rise buildings, if correct ethical guidelines are not followed throughout the design and construction then it can often result in death and destruction. Fig 5.51 City Corp Building Circled in Red 5.6 Conclusion In conclusion it is evident that there are many Ethical issues limiting the construction of high-rise buildings. These issues can come from a range of reasons such as the community, environment, congestion and safety. It is through good ethical principles used by Engineers in todays society that these issues can be overcome and accommodated for in order to brake the boundarys that are holding our high-rises down, whilst still keeping everyone happy. 6.0 Economical issues associated with high rise buildings 6.1 Introduction High rise buildings are typically commercial, or residential. When building a high-rise building there are certain economical issues that arise, such issues are, Business, Financial, Health and Political just to name a few, this can be described as economic imperialism. 6.2 Business Economics Business economics, is closely linked to the economy, for a high-rise building to be made the business would be looking into making it in a city area rather than making one in a rural area, this is because not many people live in a rural area and getting jobs filled for the business can hinder the business growth of a high-rise. High-rise buildings are a standout and might be targeted by terrorists. A huge building being destroyed could have a major impact on the local business economy for example The World Trade Centre was a target for a terrorist attack. Another business factor into building a residential high-rise (apartments) would be the amount of people seeking accommodation [15]. The business economy relies on people consuming the product whether it be insurance or accommodation etc. Therefore this means building a high-rise building will create allot of jobs and boost the local economy a bit, if the product that is being sold is not in demand i.e. The high-rise is an accommod ation hotel built in a rural area with little visitors. The Business will lose money and eventually go bust. Therefore the business limits of the size of the high-rise are limited by the economy. 6.3 Financial Economics Financial economics is the allocation and deployment of economic resources, both spatially and across time, in an uncertain environment [16]. What this means is the way the resources of a company are spent to increase business is always a risk and the financial decisions made will have an affect over time on a business. The need to spend money to make money. For some companies that are investing in the future look into building a high-rise as a financial risk. Finance is the biggest limiting factor when building as high-rise out of all economical factors. This is because high-rise buildings cost allot of money to build, and once built allot of money to maintain. FMV(future monetary value), the nominal future sum of money that a given sum of money is worth at a specified time in the future assuming a certain interest rate, or more generally, rate of return, it is the present value multiplied by the accumulation function. Knowledge of the future can reduce, or possibly eliminate, the u ncertainty of FMV. When building a high-rise they cost a lot of money to a business and are generally a risk that is made to increase asset value, knowledge of the future will decrease the risk associated with building a high-rise. One such knowledge is the height of the high-rise. Another financial burden is safety, and implementing safety in a high-rise building can be very costly, and the cost to maintain safety is costly. With safety comes the cost of security to prevent such things like attacks. Security/safety can have a direct impact on the financial future as they are an ongoing cost. 6.4 Health Economics Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with issues related to scarcity in allocation of health and health care. In broad terms, health economists study the functioning of the health care system and the private and social causes of health-affecting behaviours such as smoking. Health economics is mostly concerned with ethics, it is not ethical to have no health/safety at a high-rise. Health can limit high-rises by a fair bit, as it financially costs money to maintain the health of the employees/patrons. When building a high-rise it is very dangerous and many safety precautions must be implemented. People can die when building a high-rise, ethically this can have a big impact of the building of the high-rise if one worker was to be killed on the work site [17]. Health also requires a safe work environment for the employees, therefore a fire safety and other measures such as security need to be implemented, and these have a direct impact on the future income of the high-rise . Disability measures must be taking for disable people, this means elevators and/or alternative steps etc. Lastly a big cost is toilet facilities, the cost to maintain and to implement toilet facilities is a very costly process and one of the top costs this therefore limits high-rise buildings due to financial costs. 6.5 Political Economics Public choice in economic theory is the use of modern economic tools to study problems that are tradictionally in the province of political science. From the perspective of political science, it may be seen as the subset of positive political theory which deals with subjects in which material interests are assumed to predonminte. Basically this means that political economy is mainly concerned with the behaviour of politicians and government officials. To build a high-rise it first must be approved by officials, then the height of the building may be limited by the officials to. A high-rise is a generally a very tall building and if the local

the taliban :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As I started to think about what aspect of terrorism I wanted to write a paper on, it occurred to me that I didn’t really know much about the Taliban group. Which is one of the major terrorist groups in today’s society. So I am going to try and explain this group the best that I can. In couple different aspects, one is what their rules are, two how they treat women, and three what types of terrorist acts they have committed. The Taliban group is a group of men who formed in 1994 in the country of Kandahar by Islamic students who took a radical approach to interpreting Islam. The Group also believes in strict Islamic rules. According to them the men must have beards four fingers in length, there shall be no music, Nintendo, and women should not be allowed to do anything other than stay home and watch the children and clean the house. This Taliban group when first started had about twenty to thirty thousand men i nvolved. The group now controls about 80% or two thirds of Afghanistan land. Prior to the war no one other than the NMA (Northern Military Alliance) has really put up a fight or even thought about taking down the Taliban. The only thing that has challenged the Taliban group is the Northern Military Alliance and the only positive gain they have had was to keep their one-third part of Afghanistan. The only thing left to do for the Afghan people is either to give in to the dominating Taliban group or turn to the NMA and help get their country back to the pre-Communist era that it was before the Taliban group took over.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Taliban beliefs are strict and to the point. If you get caught committing a crime you are likely to get the extreme punishment for your crime. The Taliban is not afraid to show off their force when dealing with people that commit crimes. The Taliban regime has turned soccer stadiums into viewing grounds of executions. Men are running around the stadium with amputated hands as others cheer. The Taliban regime is not to be reckoned with. If a woman is out with out her veil her home will be marked and her husband will face punishment. The regime believes that a man must have a long beard and may not have his hair beatle-ly or he will have his head shaved along with being arrested.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Kleenex is a tissue brand manufactured by Kimberly-Clark Corporation. The company knows how to build a high consumer loyalty and also how to make consumers recognize their brands. In addition, Kleenex is well-known for family care and personal care brands. 2.1 Market Summary Kimberly-Clark make Kleenex tissues from ancient forest in North America, and the consumption of facial tissue is very high in North American, Japan, Oceania and Western-Europe. All group of people can use Kleenex, and we can find Kleenex tissues in government buildings schools, airports, hotels and hospitals. In addition, Kleenex products are likely to be found in every shelf, in most of the stores. The company makes sure to improve its products by adding nice scent to the tissues, and also by creating a tool called Achoo to predict cold and flu in their living areas. The idea is to get consumers stock up on Kleenex before they get sick, rather than buy supplies when they are already felt bad (Neff, 2013). At this point, the consumers’ behavior can be influenced when they see great improvements on the product. 2.2 SWOT Analysis Strengths & Weaknesses The first strength I would mention is that the company wants consumers to see their brand as â€Å"Everyday use product†. Kimberly-Clark Corporation does not only manufacture Kleenex tissues, but it also make Kleenex indispensable for us. Women use Kleenex tissues the most because they are more emotional and they do a lot of make-up. Aldo, Kleenex, the world’s first facial tissue brand, generates more than $1 billion business (Datamonitor, 2011). Another strength would be the fact that the corporation makes sure to innovate the brand and develops new strategies. In 2010, Kimberly-Clark increased its strategic mar... ...groups. In November 3rd 1996, The Otway Ranges Environment Network (OREN) conducted a consumer awareness campaign whose slogan said â€Å"Refuse to use Kleenex issues. Do not wipe your burn on Otways native forest† (Otway Ranges Environment Network, n.d.). The campaign was an issue for the corporation because the environmental groups launched campaigns to save Otway native forest and also encourage consumers to buy alternative products, rather than Kleenex tissues. In 1998/1999 Kimberly-Clark Corporation quits using wood from Otway’s native forest despite its valid licensed until June 2001 (Otway Ranges Environment Network, n.d.). Also, competition can be an issue for Kimberly-Clark Corporation because other corporations want to be better than Kimberly-Clark; therefore, they make sure their products still on top, or the price is acceptable inn order to retain consumers.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hamlet Essay -- essays papers

Hamlet William Shakespeare composed the play Hamlet, around 1600-1601. This play, named after his only son, in my opinion is one of Shakespeare’s best works. The play shows the literal as well as the realistic sides of people during this culture as well as those generations to come. During the play, Hamlet’s character went through several different transitions. In the beginning he was shown as a child, by his actions and curiosity, but towards the end of play his manhood begins surface and he begins to be aggressive at getting what he wants. Hamlet is full of mysterious relationships. Hamlets relationship with his so called friends (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern), his relationship with Ophelia (he proclaims his love at the end) and certainly his relationship with his father/uncle Claudius are all very mysterious in how they’re played out through their characters in the play. The relationship that stood out in my mind was the one between Hamlet and his mother Gertrude. Although Gertrude is the person that Hamlet has the most inner conflict with, he still loves his mother as most children do. As a mother figure, Gertrude is supposed to be the perfect one- with out any impurities or errors. When Hamlet realizes that his mother is a flawed, sinful women, who’s sexual appetite is so deviant she takes on her brother in-law, Hamlets whole view changes. How could the women who just buried her husband become a blushing bride so rapidly? After Hamlet contemplates all of this, how can he trust any woman when his own mother betrayed his father? When Hamlet has thoughts of his mother he is affected both emotionally and psychologically. He is affected emotionally because it is his mother, his own blood that is apart of the ... ... he over re-acts and the ghost of his father appears to remind him of why he was there. Gertrude senses Hamlets anger after he kills Polonius and asked what have I done? Hamlets reply was one full of grief, anxiety and anger. He begins to tell his mother of what he knows and what he expects from her. Not to share her bed with Claudius as well as take part in any more corruption. Gertrude then begins to see that her son is not mad with sickness, but is more mad with anger over her stupidity. Hamlet has let his mother become his main role model for all women in the world and that is why he is so negative towards women. Gertrude has influenced Hamlet more then anyone in the play. Although the influence is negative, it has made Hamlet look at other sides of people and take them for what they are. He has a better out look on life even though it has cost him greatly.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Biological Psychology Worksheet Essay

1. What is biological psychology? Biological psychology refers to the field of psychology in which the study of organism’s actions or behaviors along with inner processes such as; emotions, learning, perceptions, memory, and motivation is geared towards a biological standpoint. Biological psychology or biopsychology focuses on the scientific approaches of study on behavior (Pinel, 2009). When biopsychologists study behavior from the biological perspective, they look at aspects such as the nervous system; specifically the brain, along with genetics, physiology, and comparative method (McLeod, 2007). Biopsychologists are also referred to as neuroscientists for their contribution to research on behavior and the relation to the nervous system (Pinel, 2009). 2. What is the historical development of biological psychology? The historical development of biological psychology can be traced backed to ancient Greeks, but thought to be rebirthed during Renaissance. Credit of the scientific knowledge being resolved is giving to a French philosopher, Rene Descartes. He proposed that although the body and brain are separate units; the human mind influences and controls thought and behavior, as an explanation to actions of how and why humans behave (Pinel, 2009). Later in history; more specifically the 19th century modern biology was born when Charles Darwin provided supporting evidence and an explanation for the evolutionary theory. Darwin’s argument held that evolution takes place through natural selection (Pinel, 2009). The most recent history is the start of biopsychology in the 20th Century with credit of its emerge given to D.O. Hebb. His complete and profound accomplishment theory was the first to be developed. His theory examined how emotions, thoughts, perceptions, and memories may be influenced from brain activity. Although its history is considered an infant, it has since developed into a major and efficient contributing neuroscientific discipline (Pinel, 2009). 3. Name one to three important theorists associated with biological psychology. All three theorists above mentioned; Rene Descartes, Charles Darwin, and D.O. Hebb can be denoted as important and influential theorists associated with biological psychology. Because of Descartes’ contribution dated back to Renaissance, many still today are able to hold the assumption that human behaviors somehow does go beyond the human brain, and not just physical (Pinel, 2009). Charles Darwin’s contribution goes beyond just suggested notions and is a monumental theorist. His evolutionary theory and natural selection revelation has been truly ground breaking for the field of psychology in a biological approach. Not only did he suggest the theory; he was the first to produce evidence that species evolve, while also being the first in proposing how evolution happens as a result of natural selection (Pinel, 2009). Finally as mentioned, the brilliant and well-known theorist D.O. Hebb’s massive and extensive method to biopsychology has become a trademark to researc h (Pinel, 2009). 4. Describe the relationship between biological psychology and other fields in psychology and neuroscience. Biological psychology can be credited for its contributions not just to its own field of psychology, but also to other fields of psychology and neuroscience as well (Pinel, 2009). Some other fields of psychology that biological psychology is associated to and shares a connection to is comparative psychology and evolutionary psychology. The biological foundations of psychology study the factors of genetics, evolution, and the nervous system (Pinel, 2009). Biological psychology and neuroscience intertwine and in a way form a field of psychology known as biopsychology. Biopsychology is the association between psychological phenomenas and brain activity. Biopsychologists work to combine data and information from the other neuroscientific disciplines and then use it to the study of behavior (Pinel, 2009). 5. Describe the major underlying assumptions of a biopsychological approach. Major underlying assumptions of biopsychological approach focus on the relationship and connection of psychological phenomenas and brain activity. Assumptions of the approach include; how behavior is influenced by the nervous system, specifically the brain, genetics play a role in behavior, and that evolution may also be a factor (Pinel, 2009).

Friday, August 16, 2019

How the Political Control the Military

â€Å"No new taxes. † This is a quote that most all of us remember from the 1992 presidential election. Along with it we remember that there were new taxes during that presidents term in office. There are a myriad of promises made and things done in a presidential election year that have questionable motives as to whether they are done in the best interest of the people or in the interests of the presidential candidate. These hidden interests are one of the biggest problems with the political aspects of government in modern society. One of the prime examples of this is the Vietnam War. Although South Vietnam asked for our help, which we had previously promised, the entire conflict was managed in order to meet personal political agendas and to remain politically correct in the world†s eyes rather than to bring a quick and decisive end to the conflict. This can be seen in the selective bombing of Hanoi throughout the course of the Vietnam War. Politically this strategy looked very good. However, militarily it was ludicrous. War is the one arena in which politicians have no place. War is the military†s sole purpose. Therefore, the U. S. Military should be allowed to conduct any war, conflict, or police action that it has been committed to without political interference or control because of the problems and hidden interests which are always present when dealing with polit United States involvement in the Vietnam War actually began in 1950 when the U. S. began to subsidize the French Army in South Vietnam. This involvement continued to escalate throughout the 1950†³s and into the early 1960†³s. On August 4, 1964 the Gulf of Tonkin incident occurred in which American Naval Vessels in South Vietnamese waters were fired upon by North Vietnam. On August 5, 1964 President Johnson requested a resolution expressing the determination of the United Sates in supporting freedom and in protecting peace in southeast Asia ( Johnson ). On August 7, 1964, in response to the presidential request, Congress authorized President Johnson to take all necessary measures to repel any attack and to prevent aggression against the U. S. n southeast Asia ( United States ). The selective bombing of North Vietnam began immediately in response to this resolution. In March of the following year U. S. troops began to arrive. Although the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution specifically stated that we had no military, political, or territorial ambitions in southeast Asia, the interests back home were quite a different story ( Johnson ). The political involvement in Vietnam was about much more than just promised aid to a weak country in order to prevent the spread of communism. It was about money. After all, wars require equipment, guns, tools and machinery. Most of which was produced in the United States. It was about proving America†s commitment to stop communism. Or rather to confine communism in its present boundaries But most of all it was about politics. The presidential political involvement in Vietnam had little to do with Vietnam at all. It was about China for Eisenhower, about Russia for Kennedy, about Washington D. C. for Johnson, and about himself for Nixon ( Post ). The last two of which were the major players in America†s involvement in regards to U. S. Troops being used ( Wittman ). The military involvement in Vietnam is directly related to the political management of the military throughout the war. The military controlled by the politicians. The micro management of the military by the White House for political gain is the primary reason for both the length and cost, both monetary and human, of the Vietnam War ( Pelland ). One of the largest problems was the lack of a clear objective in the war and the support to accomplish it. The predominant military opinion of the military†s role in Vietnam in respect to the political involvement is seen in the following quote by General Colin Powell, â€Å"If you†re going to put into something then you owe the armed forces, you owe the American People, you owe just you†re own desire to succeed, a clear statement of what political objective you†re trying to achieve and then you put the sufficient force to that objective so that you know when you†ve accomplished it. The politicians dictated the war in Vietnam, it was a limited war, the military was never allowed to fight the war in the manner that they thought that they needed to in order to win it ( Baker ). To conclude on the Vietnam War, the political management of the war made it unwinnable. The military was at the mercy of politicians who knew very little about what needed to be done militarily in order to win the war. There is an enormous difference between political judgment and military judgment. This difference is the primary reason for the outcome of the Vietnam War ( Schwarzkopf ). The Gulf War in the Middle East was almost the exact opposite in respect to the political influence on the war. In respect to the military objective of the war the two are relatively similar. The objective was to liberate a weaker country from their aggressor. The United Nation†s resolution was explicit in its wording regarding military force in the Persian Gulf. The resolution specifically stated â€Å"by all means necessary. â€Å"( Schwarzkopf ). The President was very aware of the problems with political management of warfare throughout the war. He was very determined to let the military call the shots about how the war was conducted. He made a specific effort to prevent the suggestion that civilians were going to try to run the war ( Baker ). Painful lessons had been learned in the Vietnam War, which was still fresh on the minds of many of those involved in this war ( Baker ). The military was given full control to use force as they saw fit. Many of the top military leaders had also been involved in the Vietnam War. These men exhibited a very strong never again attitude throughout the planning stages of this war. General Schwarzkopf made the following statement about the proposed bombing of Iraq in regards to the limited bombing in Vietnam, â€Å"I had no doubt we would bomb Iraq if I was going to be the Military Commander. † He went on to say that it would be absolutely stupid to go into a military campaign against his, Iraq†s, forces who had a tremendous advantage on us on the ground, numbers wise. It would be ludicrous not to fight the war in the air as much, if not more, than on the ground ( Schwarzkopf ). The result of the Gulf War in which the military was given control, as we know, was a quick, decisive victory. There were many other factors involved in this than just the military being given control, particularly in contrast to Vietnam, but the military having control played a major part in this victory. In conclusion, although there are some major differences between the two conflicts one fact can be seen very clearly. That is the fact that the military is best suited for conducting wars. Politicians are not. It is not the place of a politicians to be involved in the decision making process in regards to war or military strategy. The White House has significant control in military matters. That control should be used to help the military in achieving its goals as it was in the Gulf War where George Bush said specifically to let the military do its job. The only alternative to this is to use political influence in the same way that it was used in Vietnam. If we do not learn from these lessons that are so obvious in the differences between these two conflicts then we are condemned to repeat the same mistakes. Lets just pray that it does not take the death of another 58,000 of America†s men to learn that the politicians place is not in war but in peace ( Roush ).